The contents of the blog are mine personally and do not reflect any positions of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Emotional Roller Coaster

As I’ve gone through the application process with the Peace Corps I have been riding an emotional roller coaster. As of recently I have only experienced 2, love and fear (of my dad lol). I came in to the process with the mindset of- no expectations. no disappointments. Its a bit hard to do when 2 years of your life is in limbo. if you have been following I was originally nominated to depart in February, its January and I was medically cleared on January 10th ... I was nervous about not being able to leave for my original nomination, I knew I wasn't but I was hoping for a miracle. I hadn't heard from placement and was getting nervous, so what does every nervous applicant placement ( Im still working on my patience, don't judge me). The officer explained to me that I was late due to my medical clearance and I should hear from them in 6-8 weeks, I could expect placement no later than September. I was speechless, sad, disappointed, heartbroken, wanted to curl up and play dead until I could comprehend what she had just said to me. All in All, I am not leaving next month. After a few hours/days I began to see the bright side of this. I had more time to spend with my family and friends and work on somethings that I needed to resolve before leaving. 
Peace and Blessings. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi- I was looking around facebook for other volunteers leaving in April for Guatemala and found your blog...just had to let you know the exact same thing happened to me, with being told I would leave in February and then having it put off. It was awful, but fortunately we're still going, and I'll bet that it all happened for a reason!
