The contents of the blog are mine personally and do not reflect any positions of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

We live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round and round.

As I sit looking in my 13x14 sq. ft. room and ponder on my day. I see my blue bucket in the corner that I have bathed from, done laundry in, washed fruit in and ate fruit out of, all in a days work. I think to myself about the reasons I am here and what I want out of my service. I am here to grow, be fulfilled and enjoy life by giving to others. I have always been a planner and had lists for everything, so I thought it was fitting to compile a bucket list for Guate!
  • Improve my spanish 
  • Learn to cook healthy, inexpensive food from scratch 
  • Cook Guatemalan food
  • Learn to sew or knit 
    • I don't have the patience to knit. I can sew minor repairs to my clothes. 
  • Grow something in a tire garden
  • Build a bottle project 
  • Start a girls group
    • The group started with 6 girls and ended up be a kids club of about 15 on my door steps. 
  • Climb a volcano or two
    • I climbed Tajumulco for New Years 2012. One down, one to go. 
  • Go to a soccer game
    •  There are soccer games for just about every holiday in Guatemala. 
  • Zip line through the jungle
  • Take a salsa class
  • Read lots of books at least 5 or 6 in Spanish
    • I'm making my way up there. None is Spanish yet. 
  • Make tortillas (from beginning to end)
    • From Nix Tamal to tortillas, this girl has got it down. 
  • Find out what I want to do when I grow up
  • Ride a feria ride
    • Rode a feris wheel for the first time. Never again. 
  • Simplify my life 
  • Learn to ride a moto
    • This will have to wait post Peace Corps. Non-negotiable. 
  • Judge a beauty pageant
  • Go to Belize
    • Sailed the Cayes of Belize and ate amazing fresh seafood. 
  • Paint something ( a wall, a bookshelf, a picture)
  • Go sky diving
  • Make friends (Guatemalan or not)
  • Dar palabras like a chapina (public speaking)
    • If standing in front of a class of 30 14 year olds counts. check. 
  • Build a better relationship with God
  • Maintain a journal 
    • I tried, its just as hard as keeping up a blog. Will give this another shot. 
  • Exercise and stay in shape
    • If walking to school (cardio) and camioneta rides (strength training) count, I am definitely exercising and in shape. 
Some things on this list are more important than others, but none the less the most important thing for me to do is appreciate everyday. I may add to this list in the future, but I am ready to start throwing things from this list in the bucket. 

*updated 6/2012
- nos vemos

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